
看过的 凯瑟琳Uhles,管理学硕士,硕士,院长,商业和信息技术学院



  • 审计师是金融专业人士, 类似于会计, 谁在管理机构内工作, 私营企业, 非营利组织和几乎任何其他有财政资源的组织. 
  • Job duties of an auditor include gathering financial and tax information and 编制财务报表 on a company’s financial health.
  • 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, a bachelor’s degree is typically required to become an auditor. 
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(University of Phoenix 会计学士学位 哪些可以帮助你学习作为审计师的基本技能. 

如果你对金融有热情,并且非常注重细节, 你可能喜欢做审计师. 通常,人们 与美国国税局(IRS)合作审计 试图清除欺诈行为. 然而,审计员为各种各样的企业工作,以保持财务秩序. 这些专业人员在管理机构内工作, 私营企业, 非营利组织和几乎任何有财政资源的组织. Read on to learn more about the daily life of an auditor and what it takes to become one.


审计师是金融专业人士 who’s responsible for reviewing financial documents for accuracy, highlighting potential concerns among the records and recommending ways to set internal controls. 的y might assemble reports to provide high-level insights into the organization. 当企业和个人向国税局提交联邦税时, 审计员审查文件以确保其准确和真实. If something looks off, they might request a deeper dive into the finances of those parties. 

然而,审计人员 并不局限于政府工作据美国媒体报道.S. 劳工统计局(BLS). Internal auditors review tax documents to make sure they’re accurate before the company submits them. 的y also review financial documents to ensure the company is basing its operational decisions on accurate numbers. 

没有审计, companies wouldn’t have the ability to double-check their financial documents for accuracy. 这可能导致糟糕的管理决策, 被忽视的监管要求, 多缴或少缴税款,甚至可能欺诈. 


的 auditor job description varies by organization; however, there are a few 大多数审计员完成的常见任务 根据美国劳工统计局的数据. 这些职责包括: 

  • 检查账目差异
  • 编制财务报表供高级管理层审阅
  • 为税务申报收集财务信息 
  • Reporting on the health of the company with respect to finances and regulatory compliance standards.  

审计人员遵循财务日历, 他们的工作量可能取决于一年中的时间. 例如, 他们通常在春季(纳税季节)很忙。, 每个季度的开始和一个财政年度的结束. 记住这一点 并非所有公司的财政年度都在12月7日结束. 31. 你可能所在的公司的财政年度从7月份开始, 哪些会影响你的工作量.


的re are multiple types of reviews and checks that an auditor will complete in their role. 财务审计的重点是公司现金的流入和流出. An 业务审计 会审查公司商业模式的利润率和费用吗. 也有 合规审计 that ensure organizations are following laws and developing fair business practices.

审核员可以在公司内部工作,也可以作为第三方代表. When professionals work for a company and review its financial reports, they are internal auditors. When they work for the IRS or a consulting group that is contracted to perform audits, 它们在外部运作.  


It’s possible to develop a strong financial background that makes your resumé appealing to companies that need auditors. 但是,您必须完成以下步骤才能成为审计师.  


鼓励想成为审计员的人接受正规教育. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据,a 会计学士学位 或相关领域,如金融或商业,通常是必需的. 会计学位可以为这个职位提供必要的技能, 例如不同的簿记原则以及如何编制财务报告.

当你攻读学位的时候,你也可以看看 在线审计推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 在业余时间培养这些技能. Online courses are flexible options for people who work full time but are looking for a new career path. 


审计人员需要与财务相关的硬技能和软技能. 一些 顶级硬技能 for auditors are knowledge of auditing reports 和 ability to complete financial statements. 

抢手的软技能 对审核员来说,包括对细节的关注, 清晰的沟通, 分析能力, 以及批判性思维,设想有效实施内部控制的方法. 


Even with a bachelor’s degree, you might not be able to immediately launch your auditing career. 许多审计员从簿记员和会计师开始,以提高他们的技能, 商业智慧 和经验. 

一定要选择一个教育项目 开设会计推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,即使你正在攻读金融或审计相关的学位. 这可以帮助你得到初级会计招聘团队的注意.  


如前所述,审核员需要成为沟通者. If they notice a problem with certain reports or have questions about specific sections, 他们需要能够描述他们的担忧. 这通常意味着直接与高级管理人员交谈,以获得他们需要的东西. An auditor’s communication skills can come in handy when they need to break down complex financial concepts 变成一般人都能理解的语言. 


分析并不仅仅意味着查看数据. It often requires people to add context to the information and provide actionable steps to improve any weak spots. 分析能力还包括解决问题和批判性思维, which you need to decide on what actions are needed to improve a company’s financial health.


即使你有你想要的技能, 教育及经历, 不能保证你会立即被聘为审计员. It’s best to prepare as much as possible to potentially increase your chances of landing an interview in the industry. 以下是一些方法: 

  • 更新简历包括目标关键字,人们希望聘请审计人员搜索. 谈谈你的财务知识和分析能力. 
  • 参加社交活动寻找一般的商业营销活动和专门的聚会. 的 内部审计师协会美国会计协会 从两个地方开始. 看看你附近有没有当地的分会. 
  • 与当地的非营利组织合作: Volunteering your accounting skills can support your community and grow your network. 非营利组织通常欢迎经济援助. 另外,这是一个你可以充满激情的简历构建活动. 
  • 从会计做起如果你的简历上没有太多的金融经验, 从较低层次的会计岗位做起. Within a few years, you can gain experience to help you become an experienced auditor. 

的se steps can help you get a foot in the door and gain experience on your way to a role as an auditor.


根据美国劳工统计局在2023年5月收集的数据,审计人员 收入在50440美元到137280美元之间中位数为79880美元. 薪酬前景往往取决于审计师进入的行业. An auditor in the insurance field or the private sector typically earns more than an auditor who works for the government. 

的 field of auditing is also experiencing standard levels of job growth compared to other industries. 劳工统计局预计该领域将会如此 增长3% 从2022年到2032年,这相当于超过126500个工作岗位. 

Salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. 实际结果因多种因素而异, 包括之前的工作经验, 地理位置和个人特有的其他因素. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. 具体州/城市的信息可以在劳工统计局网站上查询.

美国劳工统计局《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》由美国劳工部发布.S. 劳工统计局. 这些数据反映了劳工统计局对全国(而非地方)状况的预测. 的se data points are not specific to University of Phoenix students or graduates.


如果你有兴趣成为一名审计员或会计师, 了解推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(UOPX)的学位如何提供帮助. UOPX提供了一个 会计学学士学位 degree that prepares graduates with skills and knowledge to pursue a career as an auditor after graduation.

的 program covers critical topics like auditing a company’s financial reports and electronic data processing systems, 审计标准, 编制财务报表, 编译文件, 使用统计工具并进行责任评估. 访问 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网站 to learn more about the program and how the University can help you save time and money on your degree. 



A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德 brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. 他的学术和专业背景包括市场营销经验, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.



现任商业与信息技术学院院长, 凯瑟琳Uhles has served University of Phoenix in a variety of roles since 2006. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, 凯瑟琳在凤凰城教五年级的贫困儿童.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 





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