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Dr. 希瑟Steiness has had an expansive career in public health that has taken her around the world to study a variety of health issues and their solutions. In 2019, she joined the University of Phoenix to pass on her knowledge and enthusiasm for the health professions through program and curriculum development and teaching. 

Dr. Steiness是卫生专业学院研究生项目的副院长, 包括公共卫生硕士和卫生管理硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. Dr. 钢铁带动了发展 公共卫生硕士 该项目于2020年1月启动. 

卫生管理硕士 program has been continuously accredited by the 医疗管理教育评审委员会 since November 2019. 最近,Dr。. Steiness led the reaccreditation efforts for the MHA program and received a seven-year term of accreditation.

It’s incredibly rewarding to recognize that students use what they learn in our programs to improve health equity in their communities, 为子孙后代带来更好的生活质量.


It’s incredibly rewarding to recognize that students use what they learn in our programs to improve health equity in their communities, 为子孙后代带来更好的生活质量.

Her work with CAHME also includes acting as a CAHME site visitor to other health administration programs around the country, and as a member of CAHME's mentorship circle providing guidance to other CAHME-accredited programs.  

在来到推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前,Dr. Steiness在全球公共卫生领域工作了20多年. Her roles have included conducting health data surveillance and analysis; developing quality improvement models and evaluations for international health services delivery programs; designing, 实现, and managing research studies and breast cancer intervention programs in resource-poor settings; successful grant writing; and administering public health programs.  

Dr. Steiness received her doctorate in Global Health from Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change. 她的博士论文是关于孟加拉国农村地区乳腺癌治疗的障碍. Dr. Steiness还拥有密歇根大学公共卫生硕士学位.

It’s incredibly rewarding to recognize that students use what they learn in our programs to improve health equity in their communities, 为子孙后代带来更好的生活质量.


It’s incredibly rewarding to recognize that students use what they learn in our programs to improve health equity in their communities, 为子孙后代带来更好的生活质量.


贯穿Dr. Steiness’ research is the identification of health inequities for the purposes of designing and 实现 programs to reduce disparities in health outcomes. 

Dr. Steiness的研究包括:

  • 减少烟草使用
  • 降低阿巴拉契亚阿片类药物使用者的艾滋病毒风险
  • 亚洲和非洲的乳腺癌临床试验
  • 低收入国家乳腺癌治疗的障碍
  • 质量措施对医院和卫生保健系统结果的影响. 

Her research and efforts in Bangladesh contributed to the development of the first breast cancer diagnosis and treatment center and satellite offices in the Khulna division of Bangladesh which continues to operate today serving thousands of women who would otherwise be without access to quality care.  


  • 赖莎,.罗伯托,A.J.爱,R.R., Steiness H.L.S.萨利姆,R., & Krieger J.L. (2023). 壶歌作为一种新型的癌症交流干预:从发展中获得的经验教训, 实现, and Evaluating a Culturally Grounded Intervention for Breast Cancer 教育 in Rural Bangladesh. 中华肿瘤杂志,38(1),260. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-021-02111-1
  • Steiness H.M . Villegas-Gold.帕文,H.,热情,T.华盛顿州金斯堡市. (2018). 孟加拉国农村地区对患有乳腺癌症状的妇女进行护理的障碍. 国际妇女保健协会. 2018年3月5日在线接受. 
  • 阿金斯伯格.乔杜里,M., Wu, W.乔杜里,M.T.I.朋友,B.C.哈桑,R., Khan, Z.H.杜塔,D.Saeem, A.A.曼苏尔,R.马哈茂德,S.伍兹,J。., 故事1, H.萨利姆,R. (2014). An mHealth model to increase clinic attendance for breast symptoms in rural Bangladesh: Can bridging the digital divide help close the cancer divide? 肿瘤学家,19,177-185.  
  • 故事,H.爱,R.萨利姆,R.罗伯托,A.J.克里格,J.L.华盛顿州金斯堡(Ginsburg).M. (2012). 改善低收入国家乳腺癌治疗效果:来自孟加拉国的经验教训. 国际乳腺癌杂志,2012,Article ID: 423562.  
  • Leukefeld C.G., Smiley McDonald, H.马代约克-斯克里夫纳,A., 罗伯特。1, H.沃克,R。.韦伯斯特., & Garrity T. (2005). Prescription drug use, health services utilization and health problems in rural Appalachian Kentucky. 药物问题杂志,35,631-644.  
  • 罗伯特·H.怀特,K., & Keulder E. (2004).  生活方式, 知识, Attitudes and Practices: A Report of the Effects of the Suzie and Shafa Radio Show in Windhoek, 纳米比亚.  巴尔的摩,马里兰州:约翰霍普金斯大学,交流项目中心.  
  • Leukefeld C., & 罗伯特·H. (2003)注射毒品的并发症. 在R. Carson-Dewitt (Ed.)、毒品、酒精 & 烟草:学习上瘾行为. 纽约,纽约:美国麦克米伦参考出版社.  
  • 迈耶,G.罗伯托,A. J.博斯特,F. J., & 罗伯特·H. L. (2004).  Assessing the Get Real about Violence ® curriculum: Process and outcome evaluation results and implications. 卫生通讯,16,451-474.  
  • Leukefeld C., 罗伯特·H.希勒,M.韦伯斯特,M,洛根,TK,斯塔顿-廷德尔,M. (2003)在高危和难以到达的农村居民中预防艾滋病毒. 精神药物杂志,35,427-434.  
  • 罗伯特,.J.梅耶,G.博斯特,F.J., & 罗伯特·H.L. (2003).  Adolescents’ decisions about insulting and fighting: An application of the theory of reasoned action. 人类传播研究,29,135-147.   


  • Mackay-Neorr C., Steiness H., & 维拉拉,R. (2022年11月). Public health hero to practitioner faculty champion: A panel exploring how public health leaders adapted online university teaching strategies for non-traditional students during early COVID-19. 在美国公共卫生协会会议上的演讲,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. 
  • Mackay-Neorr,辛迪, Steiness H. (2022年11月). 两种MHA模式,促进包容性准入、公平和学生成功. 在美国公共卫生协会会议上的演讲,波士顿,马萨诸塞州. 
  • Steiness H. (2020年10月).  It matters little whether she lives or dies: Abuse and indifference toward rural Bangladeshi women with symptoms of breast cancer. Accepted for presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, virtual presentation.  
  • 故事1, H. (2012年10月). 孟加拉国的定性研究. Presented at “Understanding Bangladeshi women’s experiences of humanitarian surgical missions” planning meeting, 多伦多, 安大略, 加拿大.  
  • 故事,H.爱,R,礼,S. (2010年11月). 在孟加拉国识别和治疗严重的乳房问题. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市美国公共卫生协会会议上的演讲.  
  • 罗伯特·H.鲁科菲尔德,C.韦伯斯特. (2004年11月). 区分农村注射吸毒与非注射吸毒. 提交给美国公共卫生协会会议的海报,华盛顿特区.C.  
  • 罗伯特·H., & Leukefeld C. (2003年11月). 肯塔基州农村缓刑人员HIV/AIDS与乙型肝炎知识的相关性. 在美国公共卫生协会会议上的报告,旧金山,加利福尼亚.  
  • 罗伯特·H. & Leukefeld C. 5月(2003). 家庭结构:农村缓刑犯艾滋病毒/性传播感染风险的保护因素. A poster session presented at the annual meeting on HIV and Social 工作 hosted by Boston College Graduate School of Social 工作 in Albuquerque, NM.  
  • 故事,H.L.汗,T.亚珊,K; & Alauddin, M. (2001, October) Use of household data for planning of health service delivery in rural Bangladesh. 在亚特兰大美国公共卫生协会会议上发表的论文.   
  • 故事,H.L., Alauddin, M, & 科尔顿,T. (2001, October) Serving the poorest of the poor with essential health services: Achievements and lessons learned from rural Bangladesh. 在亚特兰大美国公共卫生会议上发表的论文.  



  • 2015年12月亚利桑那州立大学研究生教育结业奖学金(H. 故事 Steiness(9500美元).  
  • Arizona State University Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Travel Grant Award to “Understanding Bangladeshi's women's experiences of humanitarian surgical missions,2012年10月(H. 故事 Steiness(售价455美元).  
  • 乳癌研究基金会, Awarded to International 乳癌研究基金会 for Clinical Translational Studies in Asian Breast Cancer, 2012年10月至2013年9月(RR Love), PI, $240,000; sub award for Violence, 患有乳房问题的孟加拉国妇女的心理社会困扰和寻求护理, $65,000, 由国际乳腺癌研究基金会授予Heather 故事 Steiness).   


  • 医疗管理教育评审委员会, 学徒和现场访问者(2023年3月至今)
  • 美国公共卫生协会会员(APHA)(2019年10月至今)  
  • Association of University 项目 in Health Administration (AUPHA) (October 2019 to present)
  • 亚利桑那州公共卫生协会成员(AZPHA)(2019年10月至今)