Dr. 希瑟Steiness has had an expansive career in public health that has taken her around the world to study a variety of health issues and their solutions. In 2019, she joined the University of Phoenix to pass on her knowledge and enthusiasm for the health professions through program and curriculum development and teaching.
Dr. Steiness是卫生专业学院研究生项目的副院长, 包括公共卫生硕士和卫生管理硕士推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. Dr. 钢铁带动了发展 公共卫生硕士 该项目于2020年1月启动.
的 卫生管理硕士 program has been continuously accredited by the 医疗管理教育评审委员会 since November 2019. 最近,Dr。. Steiness led the reaccreditation efforts for the MHA program and received a seven-year term of accreditation.
Her work with CAHME also includes acting as a CAHME site visitor to other health administration programs around the country, and as a member of CAHME's mentorship circle providing guidance to other CAHME-accredited programs.
在来到推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前,Dr. Steiness在全球公共卫生领域工作了20多年. Her roles have included conducting health data surveillance and analysis; developing quality improvement models and evaluations for international health services delivery programs; designing, 实现, and managing research studies and breast cancer intervention programs in resource-poor settings; successful grant writing; and administering public health programs.
Dr. Steiness received her doctorate in Global Health from Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change. 她的博士论文是关于孟加拉国农村地区乳腺癌治疗的障碍. Dr. Steiness还拥有密歇根大学公共卫生硕士学位.
贯穿Dr. Steiness’ research is the identification of health inequities for the purposes of designing and 实现 programs to reduce disparities in health outcomes.
Her research and efforts in Bangladesh contributed to the development of the first breast cancer diagnosis and treatment center and satellite offices in the Khulna division of Bangladesh which continues to operate today serving thousands of women who would otherwise be without access to quality care.